I Threw Away the Rose (Merle Haggard)

This instructional package includes tablature and audio tracks for “I Threw Away the Rose” by Merle Haggard. The tablature covers all the pedal steel guitar parts on the original recording, plus more. In addition to the tablature book, the download includes five rhythm tracks so you can hear all the steel parts and practice playing along in four different keys.

This song features a classic country shuffle backbeat at 103 bpm in the key of Ab. Released on the 1967 album Branded Man by Merle Haggard and The Strangers, “I Threw Away the Rose” features the excellent steel guitar work of Ralph Mooney.

On the original album version of this song, both choruses feature nearly identical steel fills, so, to add variety, I’ve incorporated the chorus fills from Merle’s 1996 re-recorded version for the second chorus. Similarly, for the second verse (where the original recording has only piano fills), I’ve again borrowed steel fills from the re-recorded version. With this package, you have an excellent set of steel parts to play throughout the entire song.

Mooney’s classic intro and mid-song turnaround are just plain fun to play, while the fills, as they’ve been arranged here, keep the song interesting without getting repetitive. Staying true to Merle’s recorded versions, I’ve ensured that all the steel parts and rhythm tracks remain faithful to the original recordings.

Purchase the complete digital download of the pdf tablature book and all audio tracks on this page. If you would like a physical book and CD, please contact me directly or purchase one from my eBay store.

Song Preview:

Included rhythm tracks:

  1. I Threw Away the Rose (Key of Ab) (With Steel)
  2. I Threw Away the Rose (Key of Ab) (Without Steel)
  3. I Threw Away the Rose (Key of A) (Without Steel)
  4. I Threw Away the Rose (Key of G) (Without Steel)
  5. I Threw Away the Rose (Key of F) (Without Steel)

Merle Haggard – I Threw Away the Rose (original 1967 recording) on YouTube:

Merle Haggard – I Threw Away the Rose (1996 re-recording) on YouTube:

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